Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394 - 6849 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

ISSN : 2394-6849 (Online)

Pliroforia Systima for Visually Impaired

Author : Sivaprakash.C 1 Yamini P 2 Nithya N 3 Radha R 4 Chaithra lakshmi K 5

Date of Publication :23rd May 2017

Abstract: Visually impaired persons find difficult to lead their life independently. According to the national survey 2016, found that 79% of visually able person and 21% of visually impaired. Out of 21% of visually impaired , 10.56% of literal blinds, 3.44% of illiterate blinds and 7% of blinds with the age above 50. Visually impaired people mainly face problems while walking in a crowd, public places, climbing the stair cases and to read and write messages or e-mails. In the present scenario visually impaired have tactile sensation devices such as finger braille, manual alphabets, print on palm method and several other electronic gadgets. Even though there are some problems arise in these methods such as lack of privacy and lack of compatibility to advanced communicational and computational environment. This paper proposes an intelligent system to support the visually impaired with a low cost hand glove and navigational stick, which helps to write and read text messages and e-mails using different hand gesture as well the navigational stick helps them and assist to navigate in the public places and crowded area , obstrucle detection and gives alert in case of slippery floor and climbing of staircase. Finally this proposal eliminates the lack of privacy and compatible usage of electronic gadgets, making visually impaired to be confident to lead their life independently in the society

Reference :

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