Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394 - 6849 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

ISSN : 2394-6849 (Online)

Fingerprint Ignition and Security System

Author : Halesha H R 1 Uday M 2 Ravi kumar S 3 Ramesh J 4 Ravi kiran V 5

Date of Publication :15th May 2017

Abstract: To develop an embedded system for vehicle security and to operate the vehicle through biometric as well as GSM by increasing the security in parking areas and also to inform a user through GSM modem.Security is of primary concern and in this busy, competitive world, human cannot find ways to provide security to his confidential belongings manually. Instead, he finds an alternative which can provide a full fledged security as well as atomized. In the ubiquitous network society, where individuals can easily access their information anytime and anywhere, people are also faced with the risk that others can easily Security is of primary concern and in this busy, competitive world, human cannot find ways to provide security to his confidential belongings manually. Instead, he finds an alternative which can provide a full fledged security as well as atomized. In the ubiquitous network society, where individuals can easily access their information anytime and anywhere, people are also faced with the risk that others can easily access. Because of this risk, personal identification technology, which can distinguish between registered legitimate users and imposters, is now generating interest. The most secured system is fingerprint recognition because a fingerprint of one person never matches the other. This proposed system is a fine combination of “Biometrics technology” and “Embedded system technology”. Fingerprint sensor is the main part of this system. It makes use of Biometric sensor to detect fingerprint. It is also called as Biometric sensor. Fingerprint sensor uses various types of techniques like ultrasonic method, optical method or thermal technique. In this project we have used optical fingerprint sensor. Main blocks of this project are Microcontroller, Fingerprint module, PIR sensor, Tilt sensor, GSM module, LCD display, Relay.

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