Author : Mayuri Chandak 1
Date of Publication :19th May 2017
Abstract: A Smart city is that city where in by the use of technology we create focus on sustainable economic development and giving high quality of life to its citizens.A ‘smart city’ is developed upon numerous distinct elements and plastic waste management is one of these vital aspects. Packaging wrappers of chocolates, chips, hand bags, cold drink bottles and all other forms of plasticcreate significant environmental and economic problem. It consumes massive energy and other natural resources, depleting the environment in various ways. To overcome environmental problems effective plastic waste management system required. The effectiveness of plastic waste management system depends upon the active participation of all the stakeholders and citizens. Plastic waste management is of grave importance to an urbanized region which faces the constant pressure of increasing population density, rising infrastructural demands and expanding inflow of immigrants. Hence, the need for creating a stronger civic sense among the citizens is of pivotal importance for the success and fruitful implementation of plastic waste management system. The paper discusses aspect and prospects of plastic waste management system and their limitations in order to dispose of or at least reduce the accumulation of plastic waste.
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