Author : A.Praveena 1
Date of Publication :2nd May 2017
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks are more susceptible to various attacks due to the deployment in aggressive environment. These networks offer the promise of exciting new technological developments. They are emerging as one of the most reliable technologies for implementing ubiquitous computing ultimately leading to an all-pervasive paradigm of computing infrastructure. They are increasingly become viable solutions to many challenging problems and will successively be deployed in many areas in the future such as in environmental monitoring, business, and military There have been significant contributions to overcome many weaknesses in sensor networks like coverage problems, lack in power and making best use of limited network bandwidth, however; work in sensor network security is still in its infancy stage. In contrast to resource-rich networks such as the Internet, a WSN is less stable, more resource limited, subject to open wireless communication, and prone to the physical risks of in-situ deployment. Due to their inherent limitations, WSNs are especially sensitive to Denial of service (DoS) attacks and can cause serious damages. This paper addresses an especially damaging form of DoS attack, called PDoS (Path-based Denial of Service). In a PDoS attack, an adversary overwhelms sensor nodes a long distance away by flooding a multihop endto- end communication path with either replayed packets or injected spurious packets. The main idea of negotiation based routing in WSNs is to suppress duplicate information and prevent redundant data from being sent to the next sensor or the base-station by conducting a series of negotiation messages before the real data transmission begins. Negotiation messages can include optimum value using Particle Swarm Optimization along with data
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