Author : Deepa.R 1
Date of Publication :17th May 2017
Abstract: Wireless sensors are used in most of the in real time applications for collecting physical information. The impossible measurements in typical ways have currently become attainable using the wireless technology. In this technology, the measurement of air quality is one of the difficult areas for the researchers. The main source of atmosphere pollution happens due to vehicles. The high inflow of vehicles in urban areas causing more air pollution and decreasing air quality that leads to severe health diseases. The main objective of the paper is to introduce vehicular pollution monitoring system using Internet of Things (IOT) which is capable of detecting vehicles causing pollution on the city roads and measures various types of pollutants, and its level in air. This paper also reports the status of air quality whenever needed to the environmental agencies. The proposed systems also ensures the existence of wireless sensors for vehicle pollution system that specialize in a straight forward accessibility of real time data through internet using IOT. The measured data is also shared to vehicle owner, traffic department and agencies of national environment. This system is a low cost and provides good results in controlling the air pollution especially in the urban areas.
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