Author : P.Venugopal 1
Date of Publication :18th May 2017
Abstract: Animal detection plays a vital role in daytoday life. It is important to detect the presence of animals entering into the human living are as near the forest, since it causes damage to life of people living near by the forest areas. It is important to safe guard the life of human by detecting the presence of animal and take necessary actions tosafeguard human life. It is also equally important to save the animals. In order to over come the above drawback a Monitoring System must be developed. This paper involves recognition of animal at the forest boundaries and alert their presence to forest officers The Microcontroller is the heart of the system. It controls every component of the system. TheLCD monitors display, if the animal has been detected. Buzzer is used for alerting. With the help of GSM the Alert message is sent to authoried persons.
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