Author : Vishal V 1
Date of Publication :13th June 2017
Abstract: Level-sensors are basically used to detect the level of liquids and monitor their fill. These sensors can be used in overhead tanks or in laboratory equipment’s to monitor the rate of the chemical fill, and also give us an indication regarding the same. Capacitive Sensors are one of the best level-sensors since they can measure the level without being in contact with the container. Water -level management at homes will help in reducing the power consumption as well as the water overflow from the overhead tanks. Capacitive sensors are much used due to their accuracy and resolution of measurement. Since they are sensitive to external factors like environmental changes, the inclusion of an environmental-reference sensor eliminates the drawback. Capacitive sensors are thus replacing the conventional level-sensors due to their versatility, and their precision during measurement applications
Reference :
- MSP430 Launch Pad Low Power Mode: chPad_Low_Power_Mode
- FDC1004: 4-Channel Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Capacitive Sensing Solutions-August 2014:
- Capacitive Sensing: Liquid level techniqueJanuary 2015:
- The capacitive sensor for liquid level measurement: S187770581502439X-main.pdf?_tid=9f683680-37a8- 11e7-ba3b 00000aab0f27&acdnat=1494658482_81256b5ef20a70 707779b327f0167984
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