Author : Puneeth G 1
Date of Publication :9th October 2017
Abstract: There are more than one billion cars being used for moving from one place to another but there is a scarcity for parking those vehicles, parking has become a major problem. In some metropolitan areas, finding a parking space for the vehicles during the rush hours is difficult for drivers. The difficulty arises from not knowing where the available spaces may be at that time. Another difficulty that is often faced by the people is to locate their cars when they forget where they last parked there car. The cameras that are used in the existing parking areas are only meant for video surveillance and cannot help in such situations as there is a lack of proper car parking management and guidance system. This paper discusses an innovative car parking management system based on Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera where the system will allow only the authorized cars to enter the parking lot, denying access to unauthorized cars. This system is also designed to guide the car to the nearest parking slot which is available
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