Author : C. Shivanya 1
Date of Publication :27th December 2017
Abstract: Petrochemical plants convert natural resources such as crude oil, natural gas, ores and minerals into products for a wide range of applications. They produce many important building blocks for industrial processes, including ethylene, propylene, butadiene, and aromatics. Detecting and visualizing the dangerous area of leaking toxic gases is important for large-scale petrochemical plants. There are many kinds of toxic gases in petrochemical plants, e.g., sulfuretted hydrogen (H2S), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Once these toxic gases leak, they can cause an explosion that results in a serious economic loss. The existing system uses planarization algorithm to planarize a WSN and based on the planarized network, the boundary area of gas diffusion is calculated to delimitate the dangerous area. However, when all of the nodes are in the working state at the same area, the probability of the interference, collision, and congestion in the network will increase during the process of transmitting data. Moreover, multiple nodes covering an interested area will result in the emergence of redundant information. In order to avoid this ant colony optimization algorithm with ad-hoc on demand multicast distance vector routing protocol is used to find the amount of gas diffusion and dangerous area. Also, this protocol will send the alert message to controller of the monitoring area. The simulations are done performed using network simulator the parameter such as node density, probability of gas diffusion, throughput, energy consumed and packetloss is analyzed.
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