Author : Krishan Kumar 1
Date of Publication :22nd February 2018
Abstract: The advancement in wireless technologies demands dynamic spectrum allocation in an effective way. Cognitive radio networks can fulfil these demands by allowing secondary users to access licensed spectrum when primary users are not utilizing it. Dynamic utilization of available spectrum can be accomplished by spectrum handover. Spectrum handover occurs when a primary user approaches a channel which is already engaged by a secondary user. Spectrum handover has an unfavourable effect on the link maintenance of secondary user. In this paper, Dynamic Spectrum Access using unlicensed channels as Backup channels (DSAB) technique is proposed for decreasing spectrum handovers in cognitive radio ad hoc networks. A broad mathematical model is analysed to estimate the performance of DSAB in terms of two metrics: link maintenance probability and expected number of spectrum handovers. Performance evaluation of proposed DSAB technique is compared with the existing techniques which result in an improvement in the mentioned metrics parameters
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