Author : D.Sailaja 1
Date of Publication :21st February 2018
Abstract: The most important issue that must be solved in designing a data gathering algorithm for wireless sensor networks (WSNS) is how to save sensor node energy while meeting the needs of applications/users.In WSNs, sensors are usually equipped with capacity-irreplaceable battery sources. Therefore, optimizing an effective wireless sensor network to maximizing the lifetime of a sensor node in order to minimize energy resource and maximize overall system performance becomes important. Wireless sensor networks are widely used in various fields, but the network nodes are mostly battery-powered. Energy-saving has always been the core issue of wireless sensor networks.The existing research mainly improves MAC protocol, routing protocol and networking, reducing the energy consumption of wireless sensor network. This paper mainly studies the energy-saving of MAC protocol, analyzes the problems existing in MAC protocol, and improves the MAC protocol for its existing problems. The S-MAC Protocol, T-MAC Protocol, H-MAC Protocols are designed. The main application scenario of the wireless sensor network is that the sensor nodes periodically collect sensing data and upload them to the sink node, and the service type thereof may be a single-cycle service or a multi-cycle service.No matter single-cycle service or multi-cycle service, when nodes in the network send data at the same time, according to the MAC competition mechanism, the probability of data collision increases significantly, energy waste and transmission delay increase due to data collision.According to the MAC protocol data prediction mechanism, the node has idle snooping in the receiving slot, and idle snooping causes the waste of energy.
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