Author : Abishek Balu 1
Date of Publication :23rd February 2018
Abstract: Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in the use of public transport. This increase in the use of public transport has made the ticket vending and managing the public in a bus, a very complex task. This increase has also increased the paper usage by a large quantity. To overcome this complex task, we have come up with the solution of using the fingerprint of the user to book the tickets upon boarding the bus. This system is highly secured as forgery cannot be made with respect to biometrics. The fingerprints of the user are stored in a database. Upon the time of boarding and exiting the bus, the fingerprint of the user is scanned. The odometer reading of the bus is then stored against the value of the scanned fingerprint during both the time of boarding and exiting the bus. The distance traveled by the user is then calculated and the corresponding amount of money is deducted automatically from the PTS wallet. The user is also subjected via the IR transmitter and receiver led’s after their fingerprint being scanned, so as to not make the user board and exit the bus via different gates and also to not get cheated by the user. Those people whose hand gets most used due to their work and the children of age below 15 will be provided with smartcards that can be used in place of fingerprints. The fingerprints that fail to get read by the system due to some reasons for more than two(2) attempts, the smartcard may be used. This proposed idea will also have another additional feature that if a passenger stands as an obstacle to the IR led’s that are placed both at the entry and exit points, a buzzer rings inside the bus until the obstacle is removed. Thus, this project brings in cent percent accuracy with respect to the amount of money deducted and also the process is completely automated. There will be a large downfall in the usage of paper and the process of public management becomes simpler. There is also a reduction in the accidents that are caused by the footboard travel with the help of the buzzer
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