Author : Aruna R 1
Date of Publication :25th May 2018
Abstract: In this paper, we propose to add more security to the current ATM Systems. By using Biometric Authentication and GSM technology, we can overcome many of the flaws introduced by our current ATM system such as shoulder surfing, use of skimming device, etc. In our proposed system, Bankers will collect the customer’s as well as respective nominee’s fingerprint and mobile number at the time of opening the account. The primary step is to verify currently provided fingerprint with the fingerprint which is registered in the Bank’s database at the time of account opening. If the two fingerprints get matched, then a message will be delivered immediately to the user’s mobile number which is the random 10 digit pin number called as One Time Password (OTP). This OTP can be used only once, thus this avoids various problems associated with the present system. For every transaction, new OTP will be sent to account holder’s mobile number, thus there will not be fixed PIN number for every transaction. Thus, PIN number will vary during each transaction assuring security
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