Author : Sushma D K 1
Date of Publication :25th May 2018
Abstract: Efficient implementation of combined ByteSub and InvByteSub transformation for encryption and decryption in advanced encryption standard (AES) architecture using the composite field arithmetic in finite fields GF (256) or GF (28) hence this approach is more advantages than the conventional LUT method that incurs the unbreakable delay, greater amount of memory and area. The proposed architecture which is combined implementing of S-box and InvS-box makes use of an enable pin to perform encryption and decryption in AES. The architecture uses combinational logic, as both S-box and InvS-box are implemented on same hardware reduces the area and gate count by the large amount. Low power consumption due to resource sharing by the multiplicative inverse module of the proposed system. The proposed architecture is accouterment on Spatan6 board using Verilog HDL in Xilinx ISE 14.6.
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