Author : Jaya Sri Lakshmi V 1
Date of Publication :10th June 2020
Abstract: Over past few years, the surpassing advancements in Integrated system technologies is; there is a major solid growth in using micro circuitry devices. In this digital world, electronic devices like computers, mostly use registers for multi purposes. Theme of the paper is to Design a Shift Register using CML technique D-Flip Flops. This idea is used for low voltage supply and speed improvement. D flip-flop is designed using D-latches. To satisfy the speed requirements, D-latches are usually designed in current-mode logic (CML). The CML is itself a MOS differential pair. In this paper, D latches are designed using conventional method, triple-tail method, folded method and their performance is compared in terms of Power (Reference Current ISS over 500μ A) and delay. The folded D latch gives best results in terms performance and delay. This folded D latch is used for the design of d flip-flops. With the help of D Flip-Flops, the proposed Shift Register is implemented.
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