Author : Saketh S Meka 1
Date of Publication :28th July 2021
Abstract: Blockchain is an expanding list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data.To counter these problems of traditional databases, blockchain technology can be used instead. Blockchain technology is a decentralised storage network, where each data of each user/ customer is stored in blocks within their host systems, but the difference here is that, each block is connected with each other over the decentralized network using the hash values. Credential Verification is performed to check if the customer is original. Usual applications of customer profiling are done in the bank and security sector, where every new customer or user must undergo a background validation before his/her data is stored on the database. In usual practice, all the data collected by the banks are stored in a single, centrally controlled database. There are numerous disadvantages of the current system of storage of data. It is easy for the hackers to break through the database security and get all the customer’s all details. Once the hacker or any unauthorized user accesses any one rows of the database, that person can access the entire database of sensitive information. In order to tackle this problem, one solution is to use decentralized blockchain technology replacing the old centrally owned database system. In this technology, every user’s data will be stored in the blockchain. How blockchain works is that each block contains some data and using a cryptographic technique called secured hash algorithm 256 (sha256), the hash value of length 256 bits is calculated for every block. This hash value of a particular block is stored inside the next block, creating the blockchain. The use of blockchain here provides immense security as if the data of the block is accessed without authorization, and if the data is changed, the entire hash value for the block will be changed, and when this happens that particular block will get disconnected from the chain, and hence give an error signal. The blocks are stored in a server, but no human intervention can actually access these blocks, but only smart contract code blocks can access the blocks. Once the data is stored on the blockchain, it cannot be modified without authorization from the user. To use blockchain with authentication, facial recognition and audio recognition are used as security measures. The facial recognition model was trained using SVM and KNN for comparison purpose. KNN approach gave an accuracy of 96 % whereas the SVM approach gave an accuracy of 98%. The threshold for distance calculation was 0.58, at which it gave the maximum accuracy. Also the blockchain creation was done using python and hash for every block was calculated using SHA-256. Audio recognition was performed using Multi-Layer Perceptron model. An accuracy of 88 percent was achieved.
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