Author : Madhura Barshikar 1
Date of Publication :19th August 2021
Abstract: A dual-polarized orthogonal cross Yagi-Uda antenna with the end-fire transmission is designed, for astronomical observations, radio communication, and many more, in the frequency spectrum of 50MHz to 500MHz. Due to cross yagi directors, maximum directivity and linear polarity (vertical and horizontal) is achieved. Using much different software like Matlab, MMANA and CST Studio, all the parameters and plots are simulated. This antenna has a versatile design, ideal to make a wide array network to receive radio signals. For dual-polarity, the reflector at the back gives a balloon-shaped radiation pattern. The whole design fits within the one m². The peculiarity of the antenna is that it is portable, thus, convenient to set up. A lightweight tripod is designed with ABS+Aluminium alloy to handle wind resistance. This material makes the antenna cost-effective. A motorized mount of Altitude-Azimuth is mounted on the tripod also the antenna achieved an overall gain of around 12dB.
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