Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394 - 6849 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

ISSN : 2394-6849 (Online)

Displaying Image through VGA Cable using Verilog

Author : Vishal Chauhan 1 Sahil Mursalin 2 Madhav Jha 3 Govind Singh Patel 4 Gaurav Pratap Singh 5

Date of Publication :16th September 2021

Abstract: VGA (Video Graphics Array) is a standard display interface that has been widely used. This paper represents the design and implementation of VGA controller by displaying some prestored images into the FPGA memory. Detailed information is focused on the system architecture and software programming. This controller is developed using Verilog HDL and VHDL (hardware description language). The system can display various types of images or patterns. Verilog HDL is used to describe and program the gates and counters in FPGA blocks in order to construct desired logic circuit in it. The main purpose of this project is to design and implement VGA Controller on FPGA and to display an image on VGA display by storing it in memory. Therefore, the block diagram for VGA Controller is designed and the VGA Controller program is written based on the block diagram using VHDL and Verilog. All the basic functions that are required to run the code of VGA controller is written in the Verilog code and testbench of that following functions is also created to ensure the proper functioning of VGA controller without any errors. Finally, the completed program is implemented on FPGAs chip of SPARTAN-3E Development and Educational Board and successfully able to display image.

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