Date of Publication :16th September 2021
Abstract: Door plays a crucial role in home security. To secure the house, the occupants of the house will always have the door locked. However, sometimes the house occupants forget to lock the door because of hurry when leaving the house, or they'll doubt whether or not they need locked the door or not. We propose an application called Door Security System which is based on Android using Internet of Things (IoT) technology to observe the status of the door, controlling the door and increasing security during a house. By the utilization of ESP32 cam, the door will lock or unlock automatically. Blynk software is employed because the communication protocol between smartphone and door lock system. we will use this technique to access the live stream also, meaning we will monitor the condition of out of doors surrounding to avoid any threats. DHT-11 sensor will detect the space temperature and simultaneously MCU will detect the locations of owner, consistent with this data the MCU will control the heating or cooling of room if the owner is almost house. As we all know any sort of MCU has very limited amount of input and output pins, so by using them we will connect limited amount of output devices or home appliances. The project also aims to extend the input pins of microcontroller, because we've very limited amount of input/output pins. the utilization of shift registers which can increase the inputs of ESP-32 drastically
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