Author : Saritha Haridas A 1
Date of Publication :18th July 2022
Abstract: The world depends on systems to provide secure environments and services to the people. Biometrics authentication (or realistic authentication) is employed in applied science as a style of identification and access control. Biometric System for authentic identification of a private. My motto is to make a biometric system using the ear as the main object. It also has no changes as expression change The human ear are neither affected by expressions like faces are nor do need closer touching like finger-prints do, which is more useful in the situation where the protection mechanism is needed as like in the pandemic Covid19 situation. Ear biometrics appears to be an accurate approach to an ever increasing demand for security in the common spaces. Then the robust feature extraction method is often accustomed determine personality of some individuals, as an example terrorist at the airport terminals. Ear as biometrics is often used in multimodal systems to improve the performance of some other known biometrics. In this paper, a novel algorithm was proposed to do face mask detection and ear recognition using deep convolutional neural network and provide a visualization of the learned network. Also a temperature sensor is included. Only after the checking of facemask the subject is allowed to ear biometrics for more security reason.
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