Author : Kiran kumar T 1
Date of Publication :25th April 2023
Abstract: The twenty-first century has seen the emergence of fashion as a way of life. The amount and type of clothing worn may vary depending on physical stature, gender, as well as social and geographic considerations. The majority of people still associate shopping with their in-store shopping experience when they consider going shopping. Despite the fact that shoppers can try on clothes in-store, there aren't enough trial rooms, so the procedure takes too long. In order to enable users or consumers to choose from a wide range of clothing designs before replicating those clothes on virtual humans, our team is working to develop an interesting, dynamic, and amazingly realistic virtual system. In this study, we have proposed a technique that helps with daily attire synchronization. The initiative to create a virtual dressing room with a live camera stream may change how someone shopping for and dresses themselves. Customers can try on a variety of items without actually wearing them by utilizing "Virtual Reality.†The advantage of doing things this way is that trying the clothes on physically would take less time and effort. This initiative helps with market management by lowering the demand for shoppers to try on every piece of apparel. By not keeping a huge inventory on hand, businesses can also save time and space.
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