Author : Vandana 1
Date of Publication :12th July 2023
Abstract: This research is an experimental study. The purpose of this research was to determine the significant differences that exist in print contrast of AM vs. FM vs. XM vs. DM screening of multicolour offset printing process on coated and uncoated paper. Print Contrast is the ability of printing press to hold shadow details. Print quality increases with increase of print contrast. Print Contrast is determined by particularly checking the screen in the three-quarter tone. The experiment was conducted using FOGRA 39/ PSO standard. The master/plates of 44.5×29.5 cm output was prepared by incorporating quality measuring parameters and printed in KCMY colour sequence on coated and uncoated paper on ‘RYOBI 524HX (Sheet fed Offset) by using different screening technologies. During test, around 150 sheets of each paper were printed to achieve target Solid Ink Density value (+ 0.05). Once the density values were achieved according to standard SID values, another 50 sheets were printed for spectrophotometer analysis. Solid Ink Density patches were not compared, as one could expect similar result from all screening technologies. The finding of this research work comparing print contrast of AM vs. FM vs. XM vs. DM screening led to the conclusion that DM screening showed maximum print contrast on coated and uncoated paper among all screening technologies (AM, FM, XM and DM).
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