Author : Mrs. G.Sathya 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2017
Abstract: A smart helmet has been developed that is able to detect of hazardous events in the mines industry. In the development of helmet, we have considered the three main types of hazard such as air quality, helmet removal, and collision The first is the concentration level of the hazardous gases such as CO, SO2, NO2, and particulate matter. The second hazardous event was classified as a miner removing the mining helmet off their head. IR sensor was then used to successfully determine when the helmet is on the miner’s head. The third hazardous event is defined as an event where miners are struck by an object against the head with a force. An accelerometer was used to measure the acceleration of the head and the HIC was calculated in software. Tests were successfully done to calibrate the accelerometer. The experimental prototype consists of three sensors namely gas, infra red and proximity sensor for their usage and the sensor data are monitored in pc via zigbee transceiver unit.
Reference :
- G.Sathya,Nikitha.S.Paulin,S.Saranya published journal on “Glass Climbing Robot for Glass wall cleaning” in International Educational Scientific Research Journal, vol.2, issue 12,ISSN:2455- 295X,December 2016.
- G.Sathya published journal on “Pick and place robot using accelerometer sensor”in InternationalJournal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,vol.2,issue 6,ISSN:2395-1990,November 2016.
- C. Qiang, S. Ji-ping, Z. Zhe and Z. Fan, “ZigBee Based Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners,” IEEE World Congress on Computer Scienceand Information Engineering (WRI 2009), 31 Mar. -2 April 2009, vol.3, pp. 433–435, 2009.
- H. Hongjiang and W. Shuangyou, “The application of ARM and ZigBee technology wireless networks in monitoring mine safety system,” IEEE International Colloquium on Computing,Communication, Control, and Management (ISECS 2008), 3-4 Aug.2008, Guangzhou, pp. 430–433, 2008.
- X. Liu, J. S. Huang and Z. Chen, “The research of ranging with timing over packet network for the mine safety application,” Journal ofNetworks, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1054– 1062, Jul. 2012.
- R. S. Nutter, “Hazard evaluation methodology for computer-controlled mine monitoring/control systems,” IEEE Trans. on IndustryApplications, vol. IA-19, no. 3, pp. 445-449, May/June 1983.
- R. S. Nutter, “A distributed microprocessor monitoring and control system for coal mines,” in Proc. 4 thWVU Conf. on Coal MineElectrotechnology, Aug. 2-4, 1978 R. S. Nutter and M. D. Aldridge, “Status of mine monitoring and communications,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 24, no. 5, 820-826, Sep./Oct. 1998.
- A. D. Kock and J. W. Oberholzer, “The development and application of electronic technology to increase health, safety, and productivity in the South African coal mining industry,” IEEE Trans. on IndustryApplications, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 100-105, Jan/Feb. 1997.
- P. Misra, S. Kanhere, D. Ostry and S. Jha, “Safety assurance and rescue communication systems in high-stress environments: a mining case study,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 66-73, April 2010.
- A. E. Forooshani, S. Bashir, D. G. Michelson and S. Noghanian, “A survey of wireless communications and propagation modelling in underground mines,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1524-1545, Nov. 2013.
- C. P. Kruger and G. P. Hancke, “Implementing the Internet of Things vision in industrial wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Int. Conf. onIndustrial Informatics, pp. 627-632, July 2014.
- A. Kumar and G. P. Hancke, “Energy efficient environment monitoring system based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for low cost requirements”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 2557-2566, Aug. 2014.
- D. M. Han and J. H. Lim, “Smart home energy management system using IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee,” IEEE Trans. on ConsumerElectronics, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1403-1410, Aug. 2010.
- G.Sathya,Nikitha.S.Paulin,S.Saranya published journal on “Glass Climbing Robot for Glass wall cleaning” in International Educational Scientific Research Journal, vol.2, issue 12,ISSN:2455- 295X,December 2016.
- G.Sathya published journal on “Pick and place robot using accelerometer sensor”in InternationalJournal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,vol.2,issue 6,ISSN:2395-1990,November 2016.
- C. Qiang, S. Ji-ping, Z. Zhe and Z. Fan, “ZigBe Based Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners,” IEEE World Congress on Computer Scienceand Information Engineering (WRI 2009), 31 Mar. -2 April 2009, vol.3, pp. 433–435, 2009.
- H. Hongjiang and W. Shuangyou, “The application of ARM and ZigBee technology wireless networks in monitoring mine safety system,” IEEE International Colloquium on Computing,Communication, Control, and Management (ISECS 2008), 3-4 Aug.2008, Guangzhou, pp. 430–433, 2008.
- X. Liu, J. S. Huang and Z. Chen, “The research of ranging with timing over packet network for the mine safety application,” Journal ofNetworks, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1054– 1062, Jul. 2012.
- R. S. Nutter, “Hazard evaluation methodology for computer-controlled mine monitoring/control systems,” IEEE Trans. on IndustryApplications, vol. IA-19, no. 3, pp. 445-449, May/June 1983.
- R. S. Nutter, “A distributed microprocessor monitoring and control system for coal mines,” in Proc. 4 thWVU Conf. on Coal MineElectrotechnology, Aug. 2-4, 1978
- R. S. Nutter and M. D. Aldridge, “Status of mine monitoring and communications,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 24, no. 5, 820-826, Sep./Oct. 1998.
- A. D. Kock and J. W. Oberholzer, “The development and application of electronic technology to increase health, safety, and productivity in the South African coal mining industry,” IEEE Trans. on IndustryApplications, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 100-105, Jan/Feb. 1997.
- P. Misra, S. Kanhere, D. Ostry and S. Jha, “Safety assurance and rescue communication systems in high-stress environments: a mining case study,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 66-73, April 2010.
- A. E. Forooshani, S. Bashir, D. G. Michelson and S. Noghanian, “A survey of wireless communications and propagation modelling in underground mines,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1524-1545, Nov. 2013.
- C. P. Kruger and G. P. Hancke, “Implementing the Internet of Things vision in industrial wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Int. Conf. onIndustrial Informatics, pp. 627-632, July 2014.
- A. Kumar and G. P. Hancke, “Energy efficient environment monitoring system based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for low cost requirements”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 2557-2566, Aug. 2014.
- D. M. Han and J. H. Lim, “Smart home energy management system using IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee,” IEEE Trans. on ConsumerElectronics, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1403-1410, Aug. 2010.