Author : M. HemaLatha 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2017
Abstract: In this research paper, an efficient enhancement technique is used for remote sensing images, to improve the global contrast and the local details. The proposed method constitutes an empirical approach by using the regularized-histogram equalization (HE) and the discrete cosine transform (DCT) to improve the image resolution. First regularized - histogram equalization is applied to Low resolution satellite image. This technique uses sigmoid function and histogram equalization to generate distribution function for low resolution image. This gives global contrast enhancement of image details. Second, the DCT coefficients of the previous contrast improved image are automatically adjusted to further enhance the local details of the image. Compared with conventional methods, the proposed method can generate enhanced remote sensing images with higher contrast and richer details without introducing saturation artifacts. This technique has better performance compared to conventional DWT technique.DWT generates artifacts, which is major drawback. Proposed technique is applied on NOAA-19-HRPT satellite images. The quantitative PSNR, RMSE, and CC are calculated for satellite portraits which has superior performance compared to conventional DWT technique.
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