Author : J.Krishna Chaithanya 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2017
Abstract: Presently, conventional wall switches are located in different parts of the house and one has to physically go near them and press them to turn the loads on/off. It becomes very difficult for the elderly or physically handicapped people to do so. We usually forget to switch off the electrical devices when they are not in use. This leads to wastage of lots of power resulting in wastage of money, and if more power is consuming more power is to be generated. To generate more power we need to use more energy resources and we know we are depending on conventional energy resources which are non-renewable which results in depleting enormous reserves of energy resources. So saving power techniques help us to save money, by preserving resources, it also useful for sustainable development, economical sustainability and enhances the quality of life by preserving energy resources. The home automation is one of the most emerging trends in modernization of home appliance control. With the advancement of Automation technology, life is getting simpler and easier in all aspects. In today’s world Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. With the rapid increase in the number of users of internet over the past decade has made Internet a part and parcel of life, and IoT is the latest and emerging internet technology. Internet of things is a growing network of everyday objectfrom industrial machine to consumer goods that can share information and complete tasks while you are busy with other activities. In the proposed paper we are designing a smart home system such that we can reduce the wastage of power and can use the power efficiently so that no switch is unnecessarily turn on and we can also know power consumed by each and every appliances in our home such that we can manage the usage of electrical appliances and devices.
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