Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394 - 6849 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

ISSN : 2394-6849 (Online)

Human Aura: The Human Body is the World’s Best Machine of Generating, Transmitting & Receiving of Signals

Author : Gajjala Ashok 1 Sagi Naga Kalyani 2

Date of Publication :7th March 2017

Abstract: The work is take up with completely different analysis. The paper provides proofing of action of generating modulating resource of signal in human body, this kind of intuition not materialized in technical, physical, engineering research. Everyone knows the concept of Aura, is natural energy associated with all living organisms. But the typical study here is the behavior of human Aura is mysterious. I wonder about Aura, ten years back I had information that the Aura can Expandable maximum up 27 feet’s. I started research since past ten years by investigation and experimenting by own ,found so many hidden behaviors of Human Aura. My innovation is “Human Body is the best Generation and modulation machine of signals with associate field called Aura. Aura is the Electromagnetic field generated by the human body, the reason for electromagnetic field is the potentials produced by neurons. I found human Aura have four different colors 1) Block 2) Red 3) Yellow 4) White spectrums, every person has only one kind spectrum but we can change spectral characteristics by using certain process. Every person has by nature, have base frequency those are mention above. The paper has information how the interaction happens between different Auras? In that journey, I found 16 possible spectrums and their interaction B-B, R-R, Y-Y, W-W, B-R, B-Y, B-W, R-B, R-Y, R-W, Y-B, Y-R, YW, W-B, W-R, W-Y. Like Kind field interactions emits Low Heat energy and other emits heat , how much quantity is emitted, based on combined patterns.

Reference :

  1. [1] Jack, Alex The New Age Dictionary First Edition: Kanthaka Press:1976; Second Edition Japan Publications, Inc. Tokyo and New York:1990 (Page locations taken from Second Edition) --See definition of "Aura" page 14; Definition of "Third Eye" Page 200

    [2] "Glossary of Psi (Parapsychological) Terms (A-D)". Archived from the original on 2010-11-20. Retrieved 2015-03-05.

    [3] Oslie, Pamala: Life Colors, What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal, New World Library, 2000.

    [4] Bowers, Barbara, Ph.D: What Color Is Your Aura? Personality Spectrums for Understanding and Growth, Pocket Books, 1989.

    [5] Swami Panchadasi The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms Des Plaines, Illinois, USA:1912--Yogi Publications Society. Available: here [1]] (accessed 4 March 2010)

    [6] Painter, Sally (2011-10-08). "Aura Colors and Their Meaning". Retrieved 2016-10- 21.

    [7] Brennan, Barbara Ann (1 May 1988). Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. Bantam Books. pp. 109–110. ISBN 0553345397. Retrieved 22 June 2014. [9"auras - The Skeptic's Dictionary". Retrieved 2015-03-05.

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