Author : Nithin H V 1
Date of Publication :7th April 2015
Abstract: During the manufacture of helicopter and its subsequent assembly stage, it is required to test every component that goes into helicopter. The fuel probe is one among them. Large amount of fuel is required in order to travel more distance. For this purpose the amount of fuel in a tank is to be measured frequently and this task is performed by fuel probes. The normal operation of fuel probes need to be tested before it can be installed in helicopter. But the existing method is laborious and time consuming. Our project aims at reducing the time and effort required to test the probe and to display the quantity of fuel in the helicopter tanks. Helicopter fuel system consists of five fuel tanks. Each tank has fuel probes for measuring the quantity of fuel which will be displayed in cockpit. To check for proper working condition of fuel probes, the probes are tested in a common tank. The testing is done with the help of suitable microcontroller kit. The altitude of fuel indicates the different frequency levels with respect to fuel probes. The software part of project involves the coding of microcontroller. The calculations such as quantity of fuel in kgs and liters are done using the appropriate interpolation formula and display the calculated value on suitable LCD display.
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