Author : Sandeep Kaushal 1
Date of Publication :7th June 2015
Abstract: Microwave radar signal in various ranges have found a wide application in this era in the various field like defence, surveillance, emergency and scientific .The multidisciplinary application of this technology has attracted the attention of many researches, scientists and academicians to contribute their effort. However, the ultra wide band (UWB) with its feature like range and resolution has found applicable in through the wall imaging system where the other sensors like infrared etc, could not solve the purpose because of their non penetration capability through the wall. Similarly in the ground penetrating system, to detect the buried objects the microwave radar signal with UWB are significant as compared to the other sensors. The major challenge for a researcher is to calculate and measure the parameters of microwave signal .The present paper is an endeavour to estimate the major parameters like reflection coefficient, speed of propagation though the wall of various materials with different dielectric constant in the simulation environment.
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