Author : Ujwala. Tade 1
Date of Publication :7th June 2015
Abstract: As energy consumption as well as reliability based availability of power becomes the main factor to the economic growth. The electrical energy demand in country has been rising at the rate of 15% per annum. Generation capacity has been rising at the rate of 10% per annum. To bridge this gap advanced technologies have been necessary to incorporate in the Indian power sector.. Power system frequency is an important indicator of the quality of power supply. The Indian Electricity Act, the frequency has to be maintained within +/- 3% of the rated frequency, 50Hz. In india the frequency is always low and this causes severe problem to the connected load and power generating equipment. The grid operation in india has undergone a dramatic change in recent years with the introduction of Indian Electricity Grid code(IEGC), Free Governor mode operation(FGMO), Availability Based Triff(ABT). The above factors are gaining importance day by day among all stake holders. The area of my research proposes the success of the FGMO of Chandrapur Thermal Power plant (CTPP) respond to the standard frequency rate and this will make the operation more secure.
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