Author : Mr. S. Satheeshkumar 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2015
Abstract: Due to the technology revolution people don’t care about what’s happening around them they keep on moving without any care because of which we designed a system to detect accident. This is used to detect the accident automatically and victim analysis plays an important role to reducing the time laps which will reduce the death rate. As the name indicates this project is about advanced technologies in cars for making it more intelligent and interactive for avoiding accidents on roads. By using ARM7 this system becomes more efficient, reliable & effective. As now a day’s mobile is common electronic gadget that is present with everyone and this problem can be solved by it only. By the short message service (SMS) on of the fetcher of mobile will help to solve this problem. There are only few system which is used to detect accident only and this system is most common in the luxury cars. This module consist of real time sensor which will not only detect accident but also reduce the speed of the cars in the publ ic place The main components of the system consist of number of real time sensors like gas, eye blink, alcohol, fuel, impact sensors and a software interface with GPS and Google Maps APIs for location
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