Author : K.R.Prabha 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: The main aim of this proposed system is to develop a smart car parking system. This system not only helps in parking of the vehicle but it also helps the user in finding the free space along with a security system. This is just a step forward to reduce the traffic created on the roadsides due to parking of vehicles. Each and every Public places like offices, shopping malls; Entertainment Plazas have a major problem for finding free space for parking along with a security system. Even after finding space for parking a human power is getting completely wasted for the whole day to maintain the parking system which is practiced now a day with the platform of GSM and Lab VIEW a smart car parking System is to be designed. The major task performed by this proposed system is, helping the user in finding the available free space with the help of sensors. Automatic token monitoring system and along with that the system is developed in such a way that it avoids and protects itself from accidents that is, it stops automatically when it finds an obstacles. This system satisfies the major requirements of a parking system. This system will be smarter than the existing system to a greater extent.
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