Author : Saju Raju 1
Date of Publication :7th April 2016
Abstract: Digital filters are widely used in communication and signal processing systems. In modern signal processing circuits, it is common that several filters are operating in parallel. In some cases, the reliability of those systems are very critical and thus a fault tolerant filter implementation is necessary. Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) protect the filters from errors by adding redundancy at the logic or system level. But it requires larger area and power for protecting the digital filters from errors. This drawback leads to an alternate solution, which is the error correction codes (ECC) used to protect parallel filters from errors. In this work, hamming code is used as an Error correction code (ECC). It mainly focus on detection and correction of multiple bit errors occurring in parallel filters that have either the same impulse response or the same input data. This technique provides more efficient implementations when the number of parallel filters are large. This scheme focus on more powerful protection using advanced error correction codes (ECC) that can correct failures in multiples modules.
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