Author : Chinthana S 1
Date of Publication :7th May 2016
Abstract: Electrocardiogram (ECG) will be employed in clinical identification for cardiac perform. Also, because people have completely different electrocardiogram traces, therefore, they can be non-inheritable as promising biometric options for human identification. According to the utilized options, the existing ECG based mostly biometric systems is classified to fiducial and nonfiducial systems. The identification of fiducial features needs the correct detection of fiducial points that is a terribly difficult task. On the other hand, non-fiducial approaches relax the detection process however typically result in high dimension feature area. This paper presents a combined approach of these two strategies for electrocardiogram primarily based individual identification. A fiducial based approach that utilizes a feature set chosen by local features of heart beats for biometric template style. Furthermore, a non-fiducial wavelet based mostly approach is projected. To avoid the high dimensionality of the resultant wavelet coefficient structure, the structure has been investigated and reduced using principal component analysis. The proposed feature sets were examined and compared using SVM classifier. To the effectiveness of this approach, records from the ECG-ID database using single lead are used to check subject identification, yielding high accuracy in identification.
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