Author : Nayana 1
Date of Publication :7th May 2016
Abstract: Emotions play a very important role in finding the state of mind of others, have role in non verbal communication and different emotions have got influence on the voluntary and non-voluntary actions of the human body. So by finding the emotions of a person we can predict in which state the person is and what the person wants to say. Emotion detection is one of the applications of Brain Computer Interface; it mainly helps the people with motor disabilities, neuronal disorders and other disorders by developing tool for them in real time. We mainly concentrating on extracting the features from the EEG and we have discussed about best wavelet for feature extraction and classifying the emotions using neural network. By considering the some of the intrinsic aspects of emotions this can also help in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorder. By developing a real time tool for detecting the emotions automatically can help these people. In this we are mainly classifying five emotions happy, excited, angry, fear and neutral emotions.
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