Author : Aditya C. Zarekar 1
Date of Publication :7th June 2016
Abstract: Multilevel inverters are in favor of academia as well as industry in the recent decade for high-power and high-voltage applications, due to their ability to synthesize higher voltages with a limited maximum device rating, producing of smaller common-mode voltage (CM), less electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems and attain higher voltage with a l imited maximum device rating with the added advantages of low switching stress and lower total harmonic distortion (THD), hence reducing the size and bulk of the passive filters. This paper presents a review on most important topologies like diode-clamped inverter (neutral-point clamped), capacitor-clamped inverter (flying capacitor), and cascaded inverter with separate DC sources and All existing methods are compared in detail with proposal for the best methods available. Authors strongly believe that this survey article will be very much useful to the researchers for finding out the relevant references in the fie ld of topologies and modulation strategies of multilevel inverter.
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