Author : Dadam Gurunath Reddy 1
Date of Publication :7th August 2016
Abstract: Human life is more valuable than anything else, timely help is more important than lending a helping hand. The proposed system is basically on an electronic device which can be used at the time of emergency while driving a vehicle. It has embedded the concept of wireless communication i.e. ZIGBEE and GSM and many other sensors by the help of which immediate help can be delivered to the person who has met with an accident and need help it. Research content uses the technology of ZIGBEE for the transmission of message to the other vehicle in the time of need of their help as well as for serving the prospective of safe and sound driving the functions like drivers alcohol detection, then vehicle speed slowing and automatic vehicle lock with collision detection is used at the same time send message to owner mobile number. I.e. Vehicle doesn’t meet with in accident but human life is safe so there are no needed emergency medical facilities. The GSM technology is used to send the position of the vehicle as a SMS to those numbers and the position of the vehicle can be obtained by the owner of the vehicle. When vehicle reaches speed limit Jones like schools, hospital and crowed places, vehicle get alert through Zigbee so that speed of vehicle can be decreases. The overall structure is controlled based on the ARM7 (LPC2148) microcontroller.
Reference :
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