Author : Veenutha G 1
Date of Publication :7th November 2016
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence or AI is a subfield of computer science, which can be defined as the intelligence exhibited by a machine or a software having a remarkable impact on the field of biology and medicine. Imaging, on the other hand has become an essential component of many fields in medicine, biomedical applications, biotechnology and laboratory research by which images are processed and analysed. Putting together AI and imaging, the tools and techniques of artificial intelligence are useful for solving many biomedical problems and using a computer based equipped hardware software application for understanding images, researchers and clinicians can enhance their ability to study, diagnose, monitor, understand and treat medical disorders. Therefore the main idea behind this research paper is to focus on understanding the artificial intelligence, its concepts and various models available for the segmentation(or classification) of medical images, its applications, advantages and disadvantages and results and more.
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