Author : Marri Prasanth 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2016
Abstract: ICI-intercarrier interference in frequency as well as time caused in SFBC-OFDM suffers a lot here dual mode of channel are time is inverse of frequency. Frequency selectivity is arised because of more number of signals transmited with multiple amplitudes as well as phase arriving at distinct delay. At the receiver side A windowing scheme is applied to decrease the ICI effect by limiting the neighbour subcarries more in number. the components in SFBC holds the subcarriers , the SFBC code word components assures to preserve the the SFBC structure, the channel coherence bandwidth should be greater than the SFBC seperation, the ICI range should be larger than that of the subcarriers to aviod interference from one another. They can be decoded independently by the selected carrier locations should be clear and proper, by dividing each symbols of OFDM to more individual of subsymbol. We use a technique so called windowing technique (MMSE DFE) that allows calculate the transmission data in every subsymbols with less complex. Results from the simulated data that shows the how to improve the SFBC-OFDM performance as well as also the performance improvement in the scheme proposed for both frequency as well as time ( doubly selective) channels for veryhigh Doppler.
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