Author : Raisa Mujawar 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2016
Abstract: TB is the second cause of death due to infectious diseases in the world. Though TB can be completely cured if detected at early stage the problem is the unavailability of reliable detection methods. If TB not detected and hence not treated properly it takes lives of the patients. It mainly affects weak immune persons like childrens, old age people, HIV patients etc. Though TB infection can affect any parts of the body it mostly affects lungs of the patients. To detect lung TB X-rays of chest is used. Diagnosing TB using chest X-rays is most cheapest method along with it other tests are also required. This paper presents a method for automatic detection of TB using chest X-rays .Here image processing is used to improve the performance of the existing methods.The performance is tried to improve using different segmentation method.The syetm takes patients X-rays as input and processes it and give result as the case is TB positive or negative.
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