Author : Rutuja Hinge 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2016
Abstract: Passport book is an identity of a person required travel through airways by changing the details of the person, new passport can be created. Passport verification and identification is a long process. These are 2 main disadvantages of this process In international travel, security is very important. To improve security, passport verification has begun in some countries. Criminals and terrorists travel around world easily with fake document.Now a days on airport at the gate one security person stands for ticket verification. This may increase the faults as man made mistakes can be done. If this system be made automatic verification, these mistakes can be reduced. Here we verify the ticket and person also by using RFID, GSM and keyboard system. Each person has a RFID card, in which information about ticket and the person is stored. When person enters at airport gate he/she has to swipe the card on RFID reader. LCD will display the corresponding message. Microcontroller will read the card details and display info on LCD. Simultaneously GSM will send the 4 digit code on registered mobile number. After this user advised to enter the 4 digit code sent on mobile number. If the code entered is correct, door will open (DC motor will rotate), else buzzer will sound indicating wrong authentication. It will ask again to swipe the card, and process repeats. If this authentication wrong for 3 times, card will be blocked, and can be unblocked only by authorized personnel.
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