Author : Rohan C. Patil 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2016
Abstract: in our day to day life Digital Image Processing (DIP) applications have become common. For the real time applications the exploitation of digital image processing systems require efficient computing techniques, the algorithm which is proposed to this system indeed works on very large scale integration focuses mainly on chip based design and its implementation for DIP applications where its real time image processing works better. In the agricultural fields the farmers uses fertilizers for the growth of crops & farmers purchase these crops without any knowledge, all the fertilizers are made by usage of chemicals which are harmful to human health to avoid these problems and to identify the pest affected crops or not affected crops we are using VLSI method of Implementation. Designed system with high computational speed with research work proposed in this method will help to customers as well as farmers. With portable equipment to measure the results quickly and display in very short time. Using High Quality Interpolation Algorithm, Edge Detection, Filtering Methods, Matching Edge Algorithm in Mathematical Laboratory (Matlab) and VLSI implementation in Xilinx software. For hardware implementation cyclone III kit using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
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