Author : S.Narasimhulu 1
Date of Publication :2nd March 2017
Abstract: This Paper gives review of different types of Images and the different techniques for Image Compression. Based on this Review we recommended general method for Image Compression. Image Compression is the technique of reducing the image size without degrading the quality of the image. Various types of images and different compression techniques are discussed here. Image Compression is the solution associated with transmission and storage of large amount of information for digital Image. SPIHT is computationally very fast and among the best image compression algorithms known today. According to statistic analysis of the output binary stream of SPIHT encoding, propose a simple and effective method combined with Huffman encode for further compression. In this paper the results from the SPHIT algorithm are compared with the existing methods for compression like discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT).
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